How to make a unique and impressive paper flower as a gift on March 8

1 How to make 2 rose patterns with crepe paper

How to make a rose with twisted paper

Hoa hồng bằng giấy nhún kiểu xoắn

Step 1: Fold the first diagonal 1-1.5 cm. Continue to fold diagonally down perpendicular to the edge of the paper, about 2-2.5 cm.

Gấp chéo mảnh giấy lần đầu tiên

Step 2: Hold the left hand firmly, and the right hand bends the folded paper. Continue folding the paper down as above.

Tay trái giữ chặt, tay phải bẻ gập phần giấy đã gấp lên. Tiếp tục gấp giấy xuống như trên.

Step 3: Repeat the movement of the left hand holding tight, the right hand turning the paper upside down. You keep doing it continuously until the end of the length of the piece of paper.

Làm liên tục đến hết chiều dài của đoạn giấy

Step 4: Twist the end of the paper and start rolling to create a flower shape. Just scroll and edit. After the roll is finished, use the thread to tie it securely.

Xoắn phần cuối đoạn giấy lại rồi bắt đầu cuốn tròn tạo hình bông hoa

Step 5: Make flower branches. Use zinc branches to plug directly into the flower stalk. Continue using green paper to make the calyx. Fold and then cut off one end.

 Làm cành hoa

Step 6: Use milk glue to apply on the calyx and then stick it on the flower stalk. Should cut the calyx a little long so that when glued to the stem can cover the entire flower stalk.

Use wax tape to cover the paper part of the calyx and you’re done.

Dùng keo sữa bôi lên đài hoa rồi dán vào cuống bông hoa

– Watch a video on how to make roses from the twisted paper:

How to make rose petals with crepe paper

Cách làm hoa hồng ghép cánh bằng giấy nhún

Step 1: Fold a rectangular piece of paper in half, and cut it round at one end. To prevent the wing layer when rolled in, it is recommended to cut a 2cm section in the middle.

Gấp đôi mảnh giấy hình chữ nhật, cắt bo tròn ở một đầu

Do the same with the remaining wing layers with the smaller rectangular piece of paper.

Lấy thanh kẽm cành uốn cong một đầu

Step 2: Take the bent zinc rod to shape the flower branch, tie the petals as the inner pistil and fix them to the bent end of the flower branch.

 Lấy thanh kẽm cành uốn cong một đầu

Using the innermost petals made in the first step, stretch the paper in the middle, when pulling the paper only use the flesh of 2 thumbs to stretch so that the petals curl beautifully, not creased in the middle.

Step 3: Wrap the petal layer outside the part of the paper that you tied, after wrapping you use the thread to fix it. In addition to using excess paper, you can use cloth or cotton to stuff it inside so that the pistil is beautiful.

Bọc lớp cánh hoa ra bên ngoài phần giấy mà mình đã buộc

In the 2nd wing layer and the rest, you will have to use a smaller wing, you can stretch the front wing or raise it to stretch it. The second layer of wings consists of two opposite wings that are rolled and tied one by one.

Step 4: The remaining layers of wings will use glue to attach, not just tie anymore. Use 3 wings in the 3rd layer of wings. First, you still have to stretch each wing to create a certain bulge, then you curl the wing tip on one side or two sides or smooth it.

Các lớp còn lại sẽ được dán keo

Match the 3 petals stacked on top of each other and bend in the shape of the flower you are doing, using milk glue to fix it.

Step 5: Pair the outermost layer of wings with 5 wings. First, stretch the middle part of the petal, then rub the entire tip of the petal, arrange 5 petals in turn, slightly overlap each other, and use milk glue to attach to the flower.

Ghép lớp cánh hoa ngoài cùng rồi cắt đài hoa

Step 6: Spread milk glue on the calyx, then put the flower in the center and pull the sepals on both sides, pulling and adjusting the sepals straight. When tying the calyx, pay attention so that the length of the calyx is enough to cover the lower part of the inner petal.

Gắn đài hoa lên và hoàn thành

– Watch a video on how to make rose petals from crepe paper:

2 How to make a complete bouquet of roses with crepe paper

Bó hoa hồng hoàn chỉnh bằng giấy nhún

Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu

Steps to take

Step 1: Use scissors to cut the red crepe paper into squares with a side of 6 cm.

Cắt giấy nhún màu đỏ thành tấm vuông

Step 2: Cut the blue paper into rectangles with dimensions of 6×7 cm.

Cắt tấm giấy màu xanh thành hình chữ nhật

Step 3: With each sheet of green paper, you cut it into an even serrated shape to make the calyx for the flower. Similarly, you also cut each piece of red paper as shown below.

Cắt tấm giấy xanh hình răng cưa

Step 4: Using your hands, stretch the tissue paper to create a bulge and twist the pointed ends at the top in a certain direction.

Kéo giãn phần giấy nhún để tạo độ phồng và xoắn các đầu nhọn ở phía trên

Step 5: Stack 2 rose petals as shown, put 2 thumbs in the center and then pull this piece of paper to the sides to help our flower have a more natural bulge.

Xếp chồng 2 cánh hoa hồng

Step 6: You put the candy inside the petal and then roll it up according to the picture. At the stem, you use candle glue to fix the bamboo toothpick, making branches for the flower.

Bạn đặt viên kẹo bên trong cánh hoa

Step 7: Attach the sepals around the flower stalk. Then, to give the flower spike a natural color, you need to cover the bamboo toothpick with a layer of green tissue paper (the same color as the sepals).

Do the same with the rest of the flowers.

 Bạn gắn lá đài bao quanh cuống hoa

Step 9: Arrange the flowers into a bunch and then use tape to fix their position and the bouquet on the previously prepared wrapping paper.

Xếp các bông hoa thành một bó rồi dùng băng dính cố định vị trí của chúng

Step 10: Finally, you use ribbon to create accents for the bouquet.

Cuối cùng, bạn dùng dây ruy băng để tạo điểm nhấn cho bó hoa

– Watch a video tutorial on how to make a complete rose bouquet from crepe paper:

3 How to make a rose with roll paper

Cách làm hoa hồng bằng giấy cuộn

Steps to take

Step 1: Use glue to connect three pieces of paper together. At one end of the paper, we fold diagonally, and continue folding but at a distance from the top. Fold the paper back to the very bottom under the folded top a short distance.

Gấp chéo đầu giấy

Step 2: Wrap the paper around the bottom fold until almost to the top of the fold, fold the paper backward and wrap it around again; Later on, we change the folding direction of the paper faster, the first time maybe one or two turns then decrease and near the end is a fold is a loop.

Quấn tờ giấy xung quanh tạo cánh hoa

Step 3: Use glue to glue the other part of the paper to the flower, fold the end of the paper to cover the folded tail, then use a small 502 glue on a wooden stick and attach the flower to hold it for a while, we get a flower with paper.

Gắn bông hoa vào cây gỗ

Depending on the situation, we can use 502 glue or some kind of glue that can adhere well between the paper and the wooden stick, we can use clamps to clamp the end of the wrap with the flower when it is first glued to make sure. sure.

– Watch a video on how to make a rose with a roll of paper:

4 How to make roses with foam paper

Làm hoa hồng bằng giấy xốp

Steps to take

Step 1: Draw a flower shape on foam paper and cut it out. Then cut off each petal, and trim the petals to be beautiful.

Vẽ hình bông hoa lên giấy xốp rồi cắt thành từng cánh

Step 2: Use 1 petal to roll up to make the pistil, glue it firmly. Glue 1 more petal outside the pistil.

Dùng 1 cánh hoa cuộn lại để làm nhụy hoa

Step 3: Glue the second petal on the opposite side of the first petal. Do the same with the remaining petals to form a flower.

Dán cánh hoa đối diện nhau

Step 4: Cut the blue paper into a star shape and then trim the star petals to make the calyx. Stick the flower to the top of the zinc thread and then skewer the zinc wire in the middle of the calyx. Press the calyx close to the bottom of the flower. Take a plastic leaf and wrap it around the zinc wire. The finished rose.

Làm đài hoa rồi dán hoa và đài

– Watch a video on how to make roses with foam paper:

5 Tips to help when buying paper for flowers

– Choose a reputable selling address that has many trusted customers.

– What kind of paper should be taken care of? Where does it come from and is it harmful to use? In fact, there are many places that make confetti that has bought the cheap paper from China impregnated with chemical colors that make the flowers look more attractive but very toxic.

– Ask clearly how to preserve paper flowers to keep them beautiful and avoid fading. Normally, the flower paper avoids direct light, it will fade the flower color, and over time, the flowers will become silver and old very quickly. Besides paper flowers need to avoid contact with water and cold weather, so the paper will shrivel.

Lưu ý khi chọn giấy làm hoa

– Buying flowers also depends on feng shui, how to choose colors and types of flowers to suit the user best.

– Should choose flowers according to the recipient’s preferences instead of choosing according to their own preferences. It shows your heart and the special place that person holds in your heart.

– You should see and choose the model you like, paper flowers have many different types and beautiful designs. You should choose the paper for making flowers suitable for the purpose of use.

Above is an article on how to make unique and impressive paper flowers as a gift on March 8. Wishing you success!

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