
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Secret to Greek Women’s Beauty

When it comes to Greece, alongside the mythical stories, the perfect beauty of the Goddess Aphrodite will be the most attractive thing for women. Greek women all possess a healthy and vibrant beauty under the Mediterranean sun. Let’s find out their most whispered beauty secrets to always stay beautiful and radiant in the sun.  1. Sea salt   Greek and ancient Egyptian women both exfoliated with natural sea salt. They mix sea salt with olive oil to create a natural moisturizing mixture. Or use sea salt to gently massage the skin to exfoliate dead cells, remove blackheads and dirt on the skin.  2. Olive oil   This is the most effective “medicine” for beauty from ancient times that still exists today. Greek women mix sugar and salt into olive oil, then use the mixture as an oil moisturizer to moisturize the skin, care for hair and restore sunburned skin.  3. Yogurt   In Greece, yogurt is not only used for eating. You can use pure yogurt, or mix yogurt with honey to make

Distinguishing and Using Baking Powder, Baking Soda, and Yeast

1. Baking Powder Baking powder is a dry mixture consisting of Bicarbonate Soda, a small amount of starch to keep the other ingredients dry, and one or several acids to generate Carbon Dioxide gas for leavening in baked goods. Almost all baking powders used today are double-acting baking powders, meaning one acid reacts at room temperature when the liquid is added and another acid reacts when heated. Baking powder will lose quality over time, so it needs to be stored in a sealed bag or container in a dry, cool place. To test if baking powder is still good, you can mix ½ teaspoon of baking powder with about 50ml of hot water. If you see bubbles and hear a sizzling sound, it means the baking powder is still good. When baking, many people believe that increasing the amount of baking powder will result in more rising. This is completely wrong. Using too much baking powder will result in a dense and coarse finished product, along with a very unpleasant taste. On the other hand, if you us

The Secret to Achieving Smooth and Supple Skin in Dry Weather

Undoubtedly, you still remember the “essential” cosmetics for winter that we introduced a few days ago. However, if you are looking for natural and simpler methods instead of… going to the cosmetics store, this is the perfect answer for you.  1. Choose suitable shower gel/facial cleanser If during the summer, gel-based shower gels or facial cleansers are popular, then autumn is the time for you to switch to cream-based ones to avoid dryness. Besides, you should carefully choose shower gels and facial cleansers that do not contain soap and have high moisturizing and gentle ingredients to avoid stripping away the natural essential oil on your skin! 2. Grape water Here’s a tip for you, grapes are not only refreshing fruits in the cold season, but also amazing cosmetics that help you achieve smooth and supple skin. You can use the flesh of 4 grapes, which contains plenty of vitamin A, C, blend it with 1/2 egg yolk. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly before applying this

Quick and Effective Ways to Clean a Induction Cooktop Surface

If not cleaned properly, a glass cooktop can be quite a hassle or intimidating to clean. Therefore, you can refer to the ideas in the article to make sure you have a sparkling clean kitchen corner as desired. Do you know the key to keeping a glass cooktop clean? If you’re still unsure about how to clean it, especially removing burnt stains or food marks, we will help you. There are many common mistakes in cleaning glass surfaces that you should avoid so as not to affect the aesthetics of the kitchen. How to clean a glass cooktop What you need includes: Small fiber cloth, dish towel, white vinegar. Instructions: – Wipe the cooktop with a dry fiber cloth: Make sure the cooktop is completely cooled, wipe the cooktop with a small dry fiber cloth to remove any debris. – Sprinkle baking soda on the cooktop: You can sprinkle more or less depending on the dirtiness of the cooktop. Sprinkle baking soda on the glass cooktop. – Spray vinegar on the cooktop: If you regularly clean w

Don’t immediately throw the stomach into cold water when boiling: Do this extra step to make the stomach white, fragrant, and crispy.

  Selecting a delicious, high-quality stomach To have a delicious, tender, crispy boiled stomach, first of all, you need to choose a good stomach. An average stomach usually weighs from 500-800g. When choosing, you should select ones that are medium-sized but feel heavy when touched, indicating that the stomach is thick and will taste better without being tough. On the contrary, stomachs that look big but feel thin when touched indicate that they will be tough and not crispy-tender. It is not advisable to choose stomachs of this type. Cleaning the stomach before boiling If you have chosen a satisfactory stomach, use salt to rub it to remove the dirt on the surface. The preparation of the stomach is extremely important as it helps eliminate the odor on the stomach and makes your stomach dish much more delicious. Steps to clean the stomach Step 1: First, use a sharp knife to remove excess fat around the stomach, rinse the surface with water. Then, add 1 tablespoon of flour and kn

Salt, Pepper, Sugar: The Perfect Seasoning Combination or Not? Common Mistakes to Avoid.

Salt, fish sauce, pepper, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and seasoning powder are essential seasonings that are almost indispensable in daily cooking. However, many people are unclear about when to add these seasonings, whether to add them before or after cooking, whether to add them all at once or in a specific order. Adding seasonings at different times can affect the quality of the dishes. So, here’s what you need to remember: Using salt Salt is the main seasoning in a dish. But if you add salt incorrectly, it can make the dish taste sour or too salty. If it’s a braised dish, you should add salt before marinating the food and then braise it to let the seasoning penetrate evenly. For soups, especially bone broth, you should braise the bones first and add salt when the soup is almost cooked. Adding salt to the bones while braising will make them sour. For boiled dishes, you should add salt when the water is boiling and then add the vegetables to help them retain their green color an

How to make delicious and authentic home-grilled spicy octopus

Octopus is a relatively soft seafood compared to other seafood. Octopus meat is delicious, marinated with spicy and aromatic satay sauce, especially suitable for cold days. Prepare ingredients To make grilled octopus with satay sauce, you will need: 500 grams of octopus (about 1-2 medium-sized) 1 clove of garlic 1 piece of ginger 3 shallots 3 lemongrass stalks 4 chili peppers 3 teaspoons of satay sauce Marinade: 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of chicken powder, 1 teaspoon of chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt Prepare the octopus Clean the octopus and use ginger wine water to rub it to remove any fishy smell. When buying octopus, choose white and firm ones without any strange smell. Finely chop shallots, garlic, lemongrass, ginger, and chili peppers, then grind them into a paste using a blender or mortar and pestle. Marinate the octopus Mix the satay sauce, marinade ingredients (sesame oil, sugar, chili powder, chicken powder, salt), toge

Type of roadside weeds likened to “ground ginseng,” combined with this ingredient creates a delicious dish.

In the past, purslane was a common weed that grew around empty spaces in parks or residential areas… The leaves of purslane are small, refreshing green and slightly sour. Although it is just a plant that grows by the roadside, you can use this ingredient to cook many delicious dishes. Especially, purslane has many health benefits such as cooling, detoxifying, healing bruises, and antiseptic… many places also use it to treat burns and achieve unexpected results. In addition to dishes like straw mushroom cooked with purslane leaves, and barramundi soup cooked with purslane leaves… you can also learn how to cook sour fish soup with purslane leaves. 1. Ingredients for cooking sour fish soup – Tomatoes: 2 fruits – Barramundi fish: 300 grams – Purslane leaves: 200 grams – Chili: 2 fruits – Fresh lemongrass: 2 stalks – Spring onion – Seasonings: Cooking oil, sugar, chili, salt, fish sauce 2. Steps to cook sour fish soup Step 1: Prepare the ingredients – After buying the barramund

Restaurant Chef Reveals Foolproof Method for Boiling Meat for Perfectly Tender, Juicy and Delicious Results

Boiling meat is not just about putting a piece of meat in water and boiling it until it’s cooked. The boiled meat must be well cooked, but still look attractive without being dull in color. The meat should be juicy, not dry, and tender without falling apart. This is how experienced chefs often ensure that the boiled meat is delicious: Prepare the meat To have delicious boiled meat, of course, you must ensure that you buy good quality meat. The meat must be pink, have good elasticity, and the pig should not be sick. After buying the meat, you should soak it in water to remove all the blood so that the boiled meat does not become dark. Boil with boiling water, not cold water When boiling meat, if you want the meat to be juicy and delicious, you must boil it with boiling water. Bring the water to a boil and then put the meat in. When the meat encounters sudden hot water, it contracts, which helps to retain the sweet juice inside. The amount of water should be enough to completely su

People who should avoid red dragon fruit despite its numerous health benefits

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Dragon fruit contains many nutrients. This fruit not only contains water and carbohydrates, but also crude fat, crude fiber, crude protein, vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. The nutrients in dragon fruit help prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, promote cardiovascular health, improve skin, aid in weight loss, anti-aging, and treat constipation. Dragon fruit usually comes in two types: red-fleshed dragon fruit and white-fleshed dragon fruit. Red-fleshed dragon fruit has good antioxidant properties and high iron content. White-fleshed dragon fruit has a high fiber content, is rich in folic acid, and is very good for constipated individuals and pregnant women. Therefore, you should alternate between these two types of dragon fruit to fully receive their nutritional benefits. People who should not eat dragon fruit People with kidney disease Although dragon fruit is beneficial to health, it is a fruit with a high potassium content. Therefore, people with

Surprising Benefits of Placing Onion Slices on the Soles of Your Feet

Onion is a common vegetable that is often used in cooking. But did you know that placing a cut onion on the sole of your foot can have surprising benefits? According to Natural Health Care For You, cutting an onion in half and placing it on the sole of your foot before going to bed can be good for your health. It can help reduce fever, treat colds, and flu… So during the winter when these illnesses are prevalent, using onion on your foot can be beneficial. Not only that, this method is also helpful for relieving pain, making it good for people who suffer from joint pain, thyroid pain… Onions, similar to garlic, have antibacterial properties. Onions are also known to purify the air. How to apply onion on foot: Take a medium-sized onion and cut it in half horizontally. Then place it on the sole of your foot and put on socks before going to bed. You can do this every night. Many people think that placing onion slices on the sole of the foot can make it difficult to sleep, but it actua

Amazing tip with just a small ginger root, anyone who doesn’t know it will regret it.

Refreshing Frozen Meat Meat stored in the freezer often becomes hard and loses its freshness. But with just a little fresh ginger, frozen meat becomes fresher. When defrosting meat taken out from the freezer, you can add some crushed fresh ginger into the soaking water, and the meat will have a fresh and delicious color again. Removing the Odor of Duck Meat Duck meat has a characteristic odor. In addition to using lemongrass leaves, you can crush some ginger, mix it with white wine and salt, then rub it on the outside of the meat. After that, rinse with clean water, and the duck meat will get rid of the odor. Eliminating the Strong Odor of Beef Beef has a distinctive smell because it contains a lot of protein. To solve this, you can grill a piece of ginger, peel off the outer layer, crush it, and sprinkle it on the meat. This will greatly reduce the odor. Moreover, ginger contains a substance that breaks down protein, so the meat will become tender and tastier. Helping with Kn