
Showing posts from December, 2022

Decipher the important message of the circles on the top of disposable chopsticks, not everyone knows

Disposable chopsticks are usually engraved with 1, 2, or 3 circles on top, sometimes absent. These circles are symbols for users to know how many times these chopsticks have been recycled. However, in the recycling process once or many times, how many circles will they be engraved. Normally, disposable chopsticks will only be recycled until the 3rd time to be destroyed to ensure the health and safety of users. Most disposable chopsticks have to undergo detergent to clean and remove mold. If not handled properly, toxic substances will remain on the chopsticks, causing adverse effects on the health of the user. Therefore, there are many recommendations not to use these chopsticks often. The best way to use chopsticks 1 time When using disposable chopsticks, you should carefully observe the shape and quality of the product. The surface of the chopsticks has a natural color, is smooth, smooth, and has no scratches. Chopsticks have an unnatural white color that can be bleached

Tips for handling when being bitten by ants in the rainy season

1 Manifestations of dermatitis due to contact with ants Usually appear in open skin areas such as: neck, face, back, hands, feet, … Three compartment ants can cause skin inflammation from mild to severe, depending on the poison penetrated through the skin. Initially, the patient feels a little itchy, tight, reddened in an area of the skin , after 6-12 hours, red streaks, on which there are large and small irregular blisters 1 – 5mm, 1 to 3 days later. water burn, pus burn. At this time, the pain and burning sensation increases. May be accompanied by fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, neck, armpit, and groin pain corresponding to the lesion. If your hands are contaminated with poison when swatting ants, rubbing and touching your eyes can burn them. If the lesion is near the eye, it can be puffy in both eyes, it will take 2-3 days to get better, in the groin, there may be swollen and painful inguinal lymph nodes that make it difficult to walk. If not treated in time, the in

Vietnam Family Day June 28: Origin and meaning of Family Day

Vietnamese culture always honors traditional values, family values. Therefore, the Vietnamese family day was formed. This article will share with you what day is Vietnamese family day? Origin and meaning of Vietnamese family day? Vietnamese Family Day aims to honor the good values of the family, preserve and promote the cultural and spiritual meanings of Vietnamese traditions. Each family will have different ways to enjoy this day to the fullest. The special thing is that each individual will feel the warmth and familiarity every time they have the opportunity to gather with their family on this day. You can refer to 20+ to give your loved ones on their birthdays! Vietnamese Family Day to honor the good values of the family first Learn about Vietnamese Family Day When is Vietnamese Family Day? June 28 every year is chosen as Vietnamese family day to honor the good values of the family , the good cultural values from thousands of years old. Each family is a cell of soc

Causes of hair damage and how to take care of it

1 Symptoms of damaged hair If your hair has the following symptoms, be careful because your hair is damaged and needs immediate care. Rough : When we run our fingers and stroke the hair from root to tip, instead of feeling soft, it feels rough. Dryness : Dull, frizzy, and easily broken are all signs of dry, frizzy hair. Split ends : If your hair falls out easily when using a comb, it could be due to split ends. Sometimes you can grab the ends of your hair and observe, if you see white dots on the ends of your hair, your hair is starting to split. Messy hair : When the hair is damaged, in addition to being dull, the hair is also very easy to tangle. Hair loss of elasticity : Check by gently stretching the hair. If the hair is damaged, it may break while pulling, only stretching without shrinking or shrinking very little. 2 Causes Lack of moisture When the hair is provided with enough moisture, it will become shiny, healthy and smoother . Therefore, when hair

Food that is not used up during Tet should be preserved?

1 Chung cake, Tet cake On Tet days, banh chung or banh tet are usually stored in the refrigerator by everyone, but when stored at cold temperatures, the cake will easily "return rice", so we should store it in a cool place. To preserve the cake well, you can do the following things after boiling. Remove the cake and wash the outer layer of leaves with cold water to remove the plastic and then drain. After that, arrange the cake into several layers and then use a tray or heavy object to press and squeeze out the water, which will help the cake to be firm and the surface of the cake to be flatter. Finally hang the cake in a dry place, not dusty, not wet. If you accidentally cut it but don't use it all, put it in an airtight container and refrigerate it. When you eat it, it's fine to fry or steam. 2 Sausages Dried sausages should not be stored in the refrigerator because the fat in the sausages will easily solidify and eat poorly. You should preserve

Instructions on how to make your own hand sanitizer according to WHO from medical alcohol

1 Mix with medical alcohol according to WHO formula Preparing instruments Spray bottle. 500ml capacity glass jar. Small funnel. Ingredients for making 500 ml solution vial Alcohol 96: 415 ml. Hydrogen peroxide 3% : 20 ml. Glycerin: 7.5 ml. Essential oil: 2.5 ml. Distilled or cooled boiled water: 55 ml. Making Pour 415ml of 96-degree alcohol into a large jar. Use the syringe to measure exactly 20ml of hydrogen peroxide. Then pour 3% hydrogen peroxide into the alcohol container . Use the syringe to measure exactly 7.5 ml of Gylexrin and continue to add the Glycerin to the alcohol container . Since Glycerin is very viscous, it will easily stick to the measuring cylinder, so you need to wash the cylinder with distilled or boiling water to cool it, then dry it or let it dry. before use to measure the concentration of glycerin. Pour the remaining distilled or boiling water into the jar. Add about 2-3ml of essential oil to reduce the smell

Tips for warming food at home properly

1 Reheat food in the microwave Microwave ovens in addition to cooking and food functions also have the function of food in a short time, so it is extremely convenient. To ensure safety when using a microwave oven to heat food, you need to follow these steps: – Make sure that any food containers you put in the microwave, whether made of glass or plastic, are microwave-safe. Do not put metal warmers in the oven as it will cause an explosion. See more: – When putting food into the oven, turn on the reheat mode at high temperature and the time is about 1 minute, after 1 minute, use chopsticks to stir the food and cook for another 30 seconds. If not reheated for another 30 seconds. – Both the container and the food are usually very hot when they come out of the oven, so use gloves or a towel to handle them. If food is covered while reheating, leave the lid open for a while so that the steam doesn't burn your hands when you open it. 2 Reheat food by boiling With this m

How to make a unique and impressive paper flower as a gift on March 8

1 How to make 2 rose patterns with crepe paper How to make a rose with twisted paper Step 1 : Fold the first diagonal 1-1.5 cm . Continue to fold diagonally down perpendicular to the edge of the paper, about 2-2.5 cm . Step 2 : Hold the left hand firmly, and the right hand bends the folded paper . Continue folding the paper down as above. Step 3 : Repeat the movement of the left hand holding tight, the right hand turning the paper upside down . You keep doing it continuously until the end of the length of the piece of paper. Step 4 : Twist the end of the paper and start rolling to create a flower shape. Just scroll and edit. After the roll is finished, use the thread to tie it securely. Step 5: Make flower branches . Use zinc branches to plug directly into the flower stalk. Continue using green paper to make the calyx. Fold and then cut off one end. Step 6 : Use milk glue to apply on the calyx and then stick it on the flower stalk. Should cut the calyx a little long so